
June 2018 Budget Recap

June 2018: With our second month of international travel under our belts, we have come in at $100 under our budget for the month. Despite having some of our more expensive stops – such as Norway – this month, we met our overall budget and will share some lessons and thoughts in today’s post.

Visby, Sweden

6/28/18-7/1/18: Visby, Sweden, is a quaint, medieval town located on the island of Gotland off mainland Sweden. Surrounded by the original medieval wall and with cobblestone streets, it was a very beautiful and relaxing stop. Check out some more details of our visit to Visby in today’s post.

Hiking in Bergen, Norway

6/22/18: A short walk from downtown Bergen, you can quickly climb the mountains and get some spectacular views of the city. Although our hike had to be modified last minute due to high winds, we still took in some excellent sights and had a great day-hike in Bergen.